lørdag 28. januar 2017

¿Qué le preguntarías a Dios?

The organization we work for is called UCU - Unidad Cristiana Universitaria. It is a Christian student movement, and exists in many cities in Colombia, with the main office in Bogotá. UCU works to create spaces in the universities where students can gather to talk about faith, read the Bible and pray together. Here in Bogotá we also have reunions every Wednesday and Friday in "Casa UCU", with worship, prayer and Bible-study.

UCU is a part of the worldwide organization IFES - International Fellowship of Evangelical Students; so is the Norwegian organization Laget (NKSS - Norges Kristelige Student- og Skoleungdomslag). Laget and UCU serve the same purpose and share the same goals, we all work to bring students to Jesus!

This week we have been inviting new students to UCU! We put up a stand, handed out flyers and gave people free bread and sweets. We also asked the question: "¿Qué le preguntarías a Dios?" - "What would you ask God?". Through this we got many interesting answers and conversations. We had a great experience participating, promoting UCU and meeting students! Let´s hope and pray that this year will bring many new students to the fellowship of UCU!

1 kommentar:

  1. Estimadas Mari y Rebekka, reciban un saludo fraternal. ME alegra mucho enterarme de las actividades tan interesantes en las que han podido participar.

    Un abrazo, buen viento y buena mar en esta enriquecedora experiencia.

